Mapping Shopify Plus Companies or Locations to QuickBooks Customers

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at December 24th, 2024

Table of Contents

In addition to being able to map individual Shopify customers to a QuickBooks customer of your choice; MyWorks also supports the ability to map Shopify Companies or Locations to a QuickBooks customer - available for ShopifyPlus stores on our Soar plan.

This can be very helpful in scenarios where there's multiple Shopify customers within a single company or location in ShopifyPlus - allowing you to determine which QuickBooks customer an order should sync to based on the Shopify Company or Location associated with the order - not the Shopify customer specifically. 


Simply visit MyWorks Sync > Map > Companies to see your list of ShopifyPlus Companies and Locations to match to your QuickBooks customers as desired. 

Helpful Tips

  • If a Location is mapped, that mapping would take precedence over the Company mapping. 
  • If a Company is mapped, that mapping would take precedence over the Customer mapping (in MyWorks Sync > Map > Customers).
  • If your customers are in QuickBooks with the same email or name as your Shopify customers; this functionality may not be necessary for your store, as if a customer/company is not mapped, MyWorks will check for an existing QuickBooks customer when syncing an order - based on the email in the Shopify order and the name set in MyWorks Sync >Settings > Mapping.