New WooCommerce orders aren't automatically syncing to QuickBooks Online

Troubleshooting why new WooCommerce orders fail to automatically sync with QuickBooks.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents


Once MyWorks Sync is set up, new WooCommerce orders should sync automatically to QuickBooks. However, if you're not seeing this happen, this doc helps guide you through different possible causes for this. Below are some common causes of new orders not automatically syncing to QuickBooks.

Tip: Need to "push" past WooCommerce orders into QuickBooks? You can do so by visiting MyWorks Sync > Push > Orders in our sync.

Possible Causes

  • Has the setup been completed? If not, you'll see our setup dialog showing across the top of each page of our sync. Be sure to finish all the setup steps before any orders will automatically sync.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Log in your WooCommerce admin to see our sync activity log, which will show any sync errors in red. If the order did try to automatically sync, but errored out, you'd see an error logged here. We'll have a doc article that further clarifies that error on this site.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Settings > Default to ensure all the required dropdowns are set.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Map > Payment Methods to ensure at least one payment method is enabled, and correctly mapped to a QuickBooks bank account.
  • Visit MyWorks Sync > Push > Orders - and try selecting the problem order(s) - and pushing to QuickBooks. If it syncs successfully, this signals that your mappings are correctly set up and there may be an issue with your automatic sync settings. If it does not sync successfully, check MyWorks Sync > Log for an error to explain.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync to ensure that at least the switch for customer and order is enabled for the WooCommerce > QuickBooks sync direction.
  • Check to make sure the status of orders that should be synced over is selected in MyWorks Sync> Settings> Order>Automatically sync orders when they reach any of these statuses - The default for this setting is to include Processing and Completed