Error 3180: The Transaction Sales Tax cannot be left blank

Explore how to correctly resolve orders failing to sync into QuickBooks Desktop due to this Error 3180.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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Are you seeing this error when syncing orders into QuickBooks Desktop using MyWorks Sync?


Error Number:3180

Error:There was an error when saving a Invoice. QuickBooks error message: The Transaction Sales Tax field cannot be left blank, even for non-taxable customers and sales which have no taxable items, so non-taxable sales will be correct for this district.

This error usually occurs when the "Most Common Sales Tax" field in QuickBooks settings is left blank.

Troubleshooting Steps

In QuickBooks:

  1. Click Edit > Preferences > Sales Tax menu.
  2. Select company preferences tab.
  3. Under the section "Set Up Sales Tax Items", select an item for the "Most Common Sales Tax"
  4. Save the preferences and retry syncing.

In WooCommerce:

  • Check to ensure that all the dropdowns in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Default are set.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Settings > Tax  and ensure all of the settings are filled out.
  • Check MyWorks Sync > Map > Tax Rates and ensure the necessary tax rates are mapped.