Syncing inventory from QuickBooks Online to Shopify

Explore how MyWorks syncs inventory levels from QuickBooks Online to Shopify products

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

MyWorks supports syncing inventory levels from QuickBooks Online to Shopify, when inventory is changed in QuickBooks. When orders are placed on Shopify, those will correctly reduce inventory in QuickBooks as we sync the order into QuickBooks.

There's a few factors to keep in mind before enabling inventory sync - in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync. We'll sync inventory for any products that meet the below conditions:

  • The product needs to be an inventory product in both Shopify and QuickBooks Online.
  • The products must be mapped together in Map > Products/Variations in our sync.

Once the above conditions are met and inventory sync is enabled in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync, we'll start syncing inventory levels: from QuickBooks to update Shopify to match. If you're not managing inventory in either your WooCommerce or QuickBooks products, we won't sync inventory for those products. 

Handling multiple Shopify Locations

When you have more than one location in Shopify, MyWorks can still sync inventory from QuickBooks to Shopify. But, since QuickBooks Online doesn't support separate inventory locations, we'll sync inventory in a way that ensures that the total of the Shopify product matches the inventory level in QuickBooks - allowing you to treat QuickBooks as tracking the “total” amount in inventory.

The way MyWorks handles this is by changing inventory for one Shopify location to result in the total inventory in the Shopify product (across all warehouses) matching the QuickBooks inventory level. The Shopify location we use can be set in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Product:

Once set, inventory would sync like the below example:

Starting: QuickBooks has 12 in stock, and the Shopify product also has 12 total:
Location 1 - 3 in stock
Location 2 - 4 in stock
Location 3 - 5 in stock

Then: QuickBooks changes to 14. We'd update the Shopify location set in our settings above - which for example, is Location 2. This would result in this Shopify product having:
Location 1 - 3 in stock
Location 2 - 6 in stock
Location 3 - 5 in stock