Using MyWorks on multiple QuickBooks Desktop computers

Syncing with Shopify while using MyWorks on more than one QuickBooks Desktop computer

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

MyWorks can be used to sync with your Shopify on more than one QuickBooks Desktop computer/user - by adding our sync to the Web Connector on each computer.

Since the Web Connector is specific to each Windows user on your QuickBooks computer, MyWorks simply needs to be added to the Web Connector on each QuickBooks computer/user you wish to control the sync on.

Tip: The Web Connector should not have Auto-Run enabled on more than one QuickBooks computer at a time to prevent an overlap/conflict in syncing.

The below steps can be followed to add MyWorks to the QuickBooks Web Connector on each desired QuickBooks computer - following these steps once for each computer:

  1. Ensure QuickBooks Desktop is open with the company you intend to connect to. You do not need to be logged in as the QuickBooks Admin, as long as MyWorks is already connected on at least one QuickBooks computer.
  2. Visit MyWorks Sync > Connection in your Shopify store admin, and click the “Download QuickBooks Connection” file.   
  3. On your QuickBooks computer, open the resulting downloaded file to add MyWorks to the Web Connector on that computer.
  4. Once you see the MyWorks application in the Web Connector, copy the Web Connector Password from MyWorks Sync > Connection menu in Shopify - to the Password field in the web connector.