Managing Low/Out of Stock threshold per warehouse

How to manage out of stock or low stock thresholds on a location basis using WooCommerce Warhouses

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The core WooCommerce settings support both a low stock threshold and an out of stock threshold, which serve two purposes:

  • Low stock threshold: Notify store admin via email when product stock sinks below this level.
  • Out of stock threshold: Notify store admin via email when product stock sinks below this level and mark product as out of stock in front-end.

Our MultiLocation inventory integration also supports this functionality on a per-location level. When editing a location, you can set both of these values to be honored on a per-location level.

If these values are left blank, the core WooCommerce values set in WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory will be used. Otherwise, the values set here will be honored on a per-location level for all products.