Error: You may not create or edit a transaction dated on or before the dividing date.

Explore how to resolve this error from QuickBooks when syncing orders that are dated before a closing or diving date in QuickBooks.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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Keep getting this error when pushing orders to QuickBooks Desktop using MyWorks Sync?


Error: You may not create or edit a transaction dated on or before the dividing date


An Accountants Copy of your QuickBooks company has been made, and the orders syncing into QuickBooks have a date before the dividing date that was set when making the Accountant's Copy.


Restore/merge the accountant's copy back with your QuickBooks company.

This will then allow you to make changes before this dividing date, as the lock will have been removed.

Sync orders into QuickBooks with today's date, instead of the original order date.

  1. Visit MyWorks Sync > Settings > Order
  2. Enable the setting to "Set QuickBooks order date according to the most recent order push date".
  3. Any orders synced to QuickBooks from this point forward will have the date of today, instead of the original order date.