Requirements before a setup call

Helpful tips on what to be aware of before a setup call with MyWorks, to make the call as productive as possible.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Congratulations on taking the step to sync your WooCommerce store with QuickBooks POS using MyWorks Sync! We have plenty of documentation to help you with setup, and we also include a complimentary setup call with all our plans.

Read more about the requirements for your WooCommerce and QuickBooks before you install.

If you decide to schedule a setup call with us, there a few steps you'll want to make sure are in place before your call with us, to ensure that our call time is efficient.

If your accountant or developer would like to join the setup call with us, they are more than welcome to do so. If not, you should consult with them beforehand to ensure they have your sync installed, and your QuickBooks set up how it needs to be.


  1. QuickBooks POS V12 or later, with admin access.
  2. v2.1.0.30 of the QuickBooks Web Connector installed on your computer. This can be found and downloaded on Intuit's site.
  3. An active WooCommerce store with an SSL certificate and admin access.
  4. Our sync installed and activated on your WooCommerce store.
  5. Reviewing the commonly asked questions below.

Commonly Asked Pre-Setup Questions:


Q: Where should my products be as I start getting set up?

A: We recommend you at least start with all your products in WooCommerce, and each should have a unique SKU (not required, though). If all of your products are in QuickBooks, that's fine - you can export them into a CSV, then import them into WooCommerce through the built-in importer.


Q: How do my payment methods and bank accounts need to be set up?

A: You should have at least one payment gateway set up in WooCommerce. You'll be able to map this to a corresponding payment method in QuickBooks POS.

Team & Access

Q: Who should be on the setup call?

A: If your accountant or developer would like to be on the call, that will be helpful. Typically your accountant will be able to answer questions like mapping bank accounts and handling products and tax rates.

Q: How do I install the sync?

A: You can visit Plugins > Add New on your site, download the sync from your account with us, and select it in the Add New tab in your site admin. This should be installed and activated before the call.

Q: What type of access will we need on the setup call?

A: You should have admin access to WooCommerce and QuickBooks. QuickBooks Admin access is required, only during setup, to initially connect to QuickBooks.

That's it! We look forward to assisting you with setup, and getting you up and running!

Please note: if the above steps are not completed or reviewed before the call, we may ask you to reschedule.