Using the next available QuickBooks Online order # when syncing orders

How to use the "next available" QuickBooks order number when syncing orders into QuickBooks Online using MyWorks Sync

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at March 7th, 2024

By default,  MyWorks will sync orders into QuickBooks using the WooCommerce or Shopify order ID as the Invoice/Sales Receipt number in QuickBooks. However, we can also use the below approaches:

  • The custom WooCommerce or Shopify Order Number,
  • A prefix before the Shopify Order Number
  • The next available QuickBooks Number  

In some cases, it can be best to sync orders into QuickBooks Online using the next available invoice or sales receipt number from QuickBooks.  This can be helpful in cases like:

  • If you're also manually entering invoices or sales receipts in QuickBooks that may conflict with orders we're syncing in to QuickBooks.
  • If you'd rather keep your record numbers sequential in QuickBooks, instead of using the WooCommerce or Shopify order number.    

MyWorks can easily be adjusted to use the next available QuickBooks order number - and this can be enabled in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Order.  

This feature is available in all paid MyWorks plans - and requires the Custom Transaction Number setting (below) in QuickBooks to be off.



  • John creates an invoice manually in QuickBooks - after saving, the number is #1261.
  • Order #103 is placed in WooCommerce or Shopify, and synced to QuickBooks by MyWorks. The QuickBooks invoice is #1262.
  • Sarah creates an invoice manually in QuickBooks - after saving, the number is #1263.
  • Order #104 is placed in WooCommerce or Shopify and synced to QuickBooks by MyWorks. The QuickBooks Invoice would be #1264.

Setup steps

  1. In order to enable this setting in MyWorks Sync, the Custom Transaction Numbers setting in QuickBooks Company Settings must first be turned off. Before doing so - we recommend first ensuring that the most recent order in QuickBooks does have the correct number you'd like to start using sequentially.
  2. In your WooCommerce admin area, visit MyWorks Sync > Settings > Orders, and enable the Use Next QuickBooks # setting.

Any orders synced to QuickBooks from this point forward will follow the next QuickBooks number as the order is created in QuickBooks.

Common Questions

  • The Custom Transaction Numbers setting in your QuickBooks Company Settings must first be turned off in order to see/enable this setting in MyWorks.
  • Is the number sequence in QuickBooks not what's expected when syncing your first orders? Creating a manual invoice/sales receipt in QuickBooks and setting the first number you'd like to use should "force" QuickBooks to re-start the number sequence using that number. 
  • With this setting enabled, WooCommerce/Shopify order numbers will be different from the QuickBooks invoices/sales receipts numbers. However, MyWorks can send the order number into a different field in the QuickBooks order, through our custom field mapping - if it's still desired to be available in the QuickBooks order.  
  • The "sync status" badge for past orders synced before this setting was enabled may change to show as not synced in WooCommerce or Shopify - even though the order itself is in QuickBooks. This is normal/expected, because we check the sync status in real time using the order number.