Items are stuck in queue - WP-Cron Issue

If your items are stuck in the queue, this could be caused by a WP-Cron error

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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Are you seeing items stuck in the queue and not syncing into QuickBooks Online using MyWorks Sync?

Another characteristic of this issue is the queue timer resetting during a page reload. MyWorks uses the built-in WP-Cron scheduling system in Wordpress to power our queue sync, so if wp-cron is not running on your site, this may cause issues with activity not automatically syncing into QuickBooks.

Have GoDaddy Managed Wordpress hosting? Read here how GoDaddy doesn't support wp-cron on these hosting plans.


  1. Download WP Control here.
  2. After activating the plugin, go to Tools > Cron Events.

If your queue is getting stuck because of a WP-Cron error, you will be able to see that here. Here are a couple of examples of what WP-Cron Issues could look like:


We recommend sharing a screenshot of these WP-Cron events with your web developer or your website hosting support - they would be the correct parties to help resolve this and ensure WP-Cron is correctly running on your site, which in turn, would correctly process our sync queue.