Error:6000: [A business validation error has occurred while processing your request, Business Validation Error: Transactions can have only one foreign currency at a time.]

This article will guide you on why this error is happening and how to resolve it.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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Receiving this error when syncing orders to QuickBooks Online using MyWorks Sync?


Error:6000: [A business validation error has occurred while processing your request, Business Validation Error: Transactions can have only one foreign currency at a time.]


This error from QuickBooks means that a currency in part of the order is not matching the currency of the rest of the order. QuickBooks requires that the currency of the customer, products in the order, and payment account are the same and matching.

  1. The customer on this order may have a different currency in QuickBooks than in the WooCommerce order, as QuickBooks only supports a customer having a single currency, which must apply to all orders within that customer.
  2. One of the products in this order is assigned to an account with a different currency than the order in QuickBooks.
  3. The currency of the bank account the order's payment is being sent to does not match the currency of the rest of the order.


First, it's best to review the above factors in QuickBooks to determine which part of the order is causing this issue with a separate currency: the customer, products in the order, or payment account. Then,

  1. Either delete this customer in QuickBooks and re-push the order, which would create the customer in the correct currency in QuickBooks, OR create a new customer in QuickBooks with the correct currency for this order (example: John Smith USD), map them together in MyWorks Sync > Map > Customers, and the order will be able to sync.
  2. Check that the account the QuickBooks products in this order are assigned to in QuickBooks is the same currency OR unmap the products in MyWorks and try syncing the order again.
  3. Visit MyWorks Sync > Map > Payment Methods to make sure that the correct currency bank accounts are set for each payment method/currency in WooCommerce.