Keep getting this error when syncing a WooCommerce order to QuickBooks POS using MyWorks Sync?
Error Number:20038
Error:Internal error (Node SalesReceiptItemAdd - '' is not a valid integer value)
This error usually happens when both of the two conditions below are met, and can be resolved by adjusting one of them:
1. A product in the order isn't mapped, and
2. There's nothing set as a QuickBooks POS department at MyWorks Sync > Settings > Default - this means that there is nothing we can use for that line item in the order.
- In MyWorks Sync > Settings > Default - set a default QuickBooks POS department. This is necessary for us to be able to add a product into QuickBooks POS.
- Or, In MyWorks Sync > Map > Products - make sure the products on this order are correctly mapped.