Should I pull QuickBooks Customers into WooCommerce?

Why we wouldn't sync customers backwards from QuickBooks into WooCommerce

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

MyWorks Sync does allow you to pull certain QuickBooks data from QuickBooks to WooCommerce. The most popular data type this is intended for is Products and Inventory, allowing you to ease double entry by pulling products or inventory levels into WooCommerce instead of manually entering them.

A common question is in regards to pulling customers that already exist from QuickBooks Online into WooCommerce - if for example, the WooCommerce store is brand new, and the QuickBooks company has been around for a while already.

We currently do not support pulling QuickBooks Online into WooCommerce. The reason for this is due to customer flow. We don't recommend manually pulling QuickBooks Online customers into WooCommerce using MyWorks Sync for the following reasons:

  • The customer will need to have an email address already stored in QuickBooks. If this isn't the case, the customer wouldn't be able to be created in WooCommerce. We find that most clients don't store a customer email in QuickBooks.
  • If the customer is manually created in WooCommerce using MyWorks Sync, the customer won't have any knowledge of this. Hence, when they do eventually visit your site to place an order and register an account, they'll be notified they already have an existing account, although they have no knowledge of creating one. This causes confusion on the customer end as they try to log into their account and/or reset their password.