What is the "Auto Mapping" feature, and how can I use it?

How the Auto Mapping feature can simplify mapping products and customers and save you time.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

After installing our WooCommerce Sync for QuickBooks Online, one of the final configuration steps is mapping, or linking - existing WooCommerce data to corresponding QuickBooks Online data. Read more about mapping here.

The mapping process is very simple and only needs to be completed once. However, for stores with hundreds - or even thousands of customers or products, this can be a lengthy and sometimes impossible task to accomplish manually.

This is where our automap features are helpful.


For WooCommerce stores with hundreds or thousands of customers, it can be difficult to manually map all your existing customers one by one. In order to help automate the mapping process, you're able to AutoMap by customer name or customer email. As long as your customers in both WooCommerce and QuickBooks Online have a matching email or name, this function will automatically map them.

To use this, simply scroll to the bottom of the Map > Customers page and click on AutoMap by name or AutoMap by email.


For WooCommerce stores with hundreds or thousands of products, it can be difficult to manually map all your existing products one by one. In order to help automate the mapping process, you're able to AutoMap by product SKU. As long as your products in both WooCommerce and QuickBooks Online have a matching SKU, this function will automatically map them.

To automatically map your products by SKU, simply scroll to the bottom of the Map > Products page and click on AutoMap by SKU.