Shipping: Syncing as a line item or a subtotal field?

Helpful tips on syncing orders with shipping: either as an individual line item or as a subtotal field in the QuickBooks order.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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MyWorks Sync allows you to sync over the shipping cost of a WooCommerce order to QuickBooks Online in two different ways - as a line item using a product of your choice - or as a subtotal field in the dedicated subtotal field QuickBooks Online has for Shipping.

Subtotal field

This is the method used by default - if the Subtotal field for Shipping is enabled in QuickBooks Online. To check if this is enabled, simply create an invoice or sales receipt, and see if a subtotal field shows up for Shipping.

To turn this field on or off, visit QuickBooks Online Settings > Sales > Sales Form Content, and turn the checkbox ON or OFF for Shipping. 

Next, visit Advanced > Chart of Accounts (if Shipping is on) to set the income account in your Chart of Accounts that you'd like this shipping income to be reported to.

This is all that is needed. Once MyWorks Sync sees that the Shipping Subtotal field is on, it will sync shipping to this field for invoices / sales receipts.

Line Item

If you would prefer to sync shipping as a line item on your invoice or sales receipt, this is very easy to do also.

  1. In MyWorks Sync > Settings > Order, enable the setting to "Sync Shipping as a Line Item".
  2. In MyWorks Sync > Settings > Default, ensure the desired QuickBooks product to be used as the line item in these orders for shipping is set in the Default QuickBooks Online Shipping Product setting.

Once this is set and saved, MyWorks Sync will sync shipping over as a line item!