Syncing Inventory with QuickBooks Online

How to easily sync inventory with MyWorks Sync

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

MyWorks Sync for QuickBooks Online supports syncing inventory both ways - to and from QuickBooks Online.

There are two requirements in order to sync inventory between your products on both platforms:

  1. The product needs to be an inventory product in both platforms (Manage Stock option turned on in WooCommerce).
  2. The products must be mapped together in Map > Products in our sync.

Once the above conditions are met and inventory sync is enabled in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync, we'll start syncing inventory changes from that point forward. If you're not managing inventory in either your WooCommerce or QuickBooks products, we won't sync inventory for those products

Before syncing Inventory Levels, you must ensure you have mapped your products in MyWorks Sync > Map > Products.

Automatic Sync

WooCommerce > QuickBooks

When a product is ordered in WooCommerce, as soon as we sync that order into QuickBooks, the QuickBooks inventory will be correctly deducted.

For manual changes made in WooCommerce product inventory, these can be synced to QuickBooks when the product is saved in your WP-Admin, by first checking the box to "Sync inventory changes to QuickBooks".

QuickBooks > WooCommerce

In MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync, you can enable inventory level syncing for QuickBooks to WooCommerce. We check QuickBooks every 5 minutes for updated inventory, and sync that into WooCommerce. As long as WP-Cron is correctly running on your site, this will take place automatically.

Manual Sync (Push/Pull)

In addition to automatically syncing inventory levels, you may also manually push and pull inventory levels from QuickBooks. This is helpful if you've just started syncing inventory through MyWorks Sync, but the inventory levels aren't matching.

WooCommerce > QuickBooks

Visit MyWorks Sync > Push > Inventory Levels. Here you may select and push the products or variations that you would like to push inventory levels for to QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks > WooCommerce

Visit MyWorks Sync > Pull > Inventory Levels. If you don't see the Pull tab under MyWorks Sync, you may enable it in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Pull. Here, you may select and pull product inventory levels from QuickBooks into WooCommerce.