How can I control if products are synced to QuickBooks as Inventory or Non-Inventory?

How products sync as inventory or non-inventory items with MyWorks Sync

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

WooCommerce products and variations can be synced over to QuickBooks using MyWorks Sync in two different ways:

  1. Automatically synced when created in WooCommerce (must be enabled in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync)
  2. Manually pushed in MyWorks Sync > Push > Products.

When a product or variation is synced into QuickBooks Online, there's one setting in WooCommerce that controls whether it's created as an Inventory Product or a Non-Inventory product in QuickBooks Online. This setting is called Manage Stock.

If the Manage Stock option is checked for a product/variation in WooCommerce, it will sync to QuickBooks as an inventory product. Otherwise it will be synced as a non-inventory product.

Once a product is synced to QuickBooks, it can't be changed from Inventory/Non-Inventory through MyWorks Sync - so ensure your Manage Stock settings are correct before pushing products.

Here is an example of where the Manage Stock setting is when editing a product or variation.