Gift Card Handling/Support when syncing with QuickBooks Online

Gain insight on how to handle syncing orders including gift card to QuickBooks Online.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

TerWhile WooCommerce doesn't support Gift Cards by default, MyWorks Sync does include support for several gift card solutions to ensure our users can achieve the desired levels of automation while still making gift cards available on their WooCommerce deployments. 

Gift Card Purchases

By and large, MyWorks Sync can handle syncing orders where a gift card is purchased natively. 

A user would, depending on the gift card plugin being used, set up a new product in their WooCommerce store named "Gift Card", which they would then be able to map to a product in their QuickBooks named "Gift Card", for example.

Usually, this QuickBooks product named Gift Card would be tied to a Liability account (instead of an income account like a normal product) - to track and balance out the Gift Card purchases vs. Gift Card redemptions. The price of your gift card product in QuickBooks doesn’t matter to MyWorks Sync, the amount from the WooCommerce order would be used in all cases and synced to the QuickBooks Transaction.

A conversation with your accountant is recommended to review how this is set up in your QuickBooks company.

Gift Card Redemptions

When a gift card is used in WooCommerce to partially or fully pay for a WooCommerce Order, MyWorks Sync can include that redemption in the QuickBooks order synced -  as a negative line item, using the Gift Card product in QuickBooks.

This would ensure the redemption correctly records to the same liability account mentioned above.

The ability of MyWorks Sync to recognize this "redemption" in the WooCommerce order is dependent on which plugin is being used on your WooCommerce store. Using a supported plugin from the below list will guarantee that redemptions are able to be synced to QuickBooks.

This support can be enabled in MyWorks Sync > Compatibility in your WooCommerce admin area. A section will show based on the gift card plugin in use, and the "Gift Card" product may be set here.

Gift Card / Store Credit Extensions MyWorks Sync Officially Supports

Gift Cards by Somewhere Warm

PW WooCommerce Gift Cards by Pimwick, LLC

Smart Coupons by SmartApps

TeraWallet / WooCommerce Wallet 

What if the Gift Card Extension I am using isn't one of these?

In these instances, often the best way to check if that negative line item is correctly recording in QuickBooks when MyWorks Sync syncs that transaction to QuickBooks is by doing a test order! We would suggest trying to sync a test order from WooCommerce through to QuickBooks with a Gift Card redemption on it to check and see if the Gift Card negative line item is correctly syncing to the QuickBooks transaction as it is recorded on the WooCommerce order.

If you experience any difficulty, you can always reach out to support to help troubleshoot a little further with you, depending on your specific use case / which plugins are involved (and how reciprocal the plugins dev team is in finding a solution for you). If additional customization is needed based on the specific plugin being used on your site, this is handled on a case-by-case basis.