Are you receiving the below error when pushing products or variations to QuickBooks using MyWorks Sync?
Error: Product / Variation not mapped
This is simply caused if you're pushing a product or variation to QuickBooks that either:
- Already exists in QuickBooks,
- Has the exact same name as an existing QuickBooks product.
Because QuickBooks requires that all products in QuickBooks have a unique name, we're unable to push this product/variation again into QuickBooks.
If a product:
Simply rename the product in WooCommerce to ensure that it's unique, before pushing to QuickBooks - or if the product is already in QuickBooks as intended, visit MyWorks Sync > Map > Products to map it together. As a reminder, QuickBooks does have a 50 character limit for product names, so the first 50 characters of the name need to be unique.
If a variation:
Simply map your variation to the existing QuickBooks product on the MyWorks Sync > Map > Products > Variations page. This message indicates that a product with the same name as this variation is already in QuickBooks - so the variation doesn't need to be pushed to QuickBooks again.