Error:610: [Object Not Found: Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.]

Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve this 610 error when syncing your orders from WooCommerce to QuickBooks.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents


Error:610: [Object Not Found, Object Not Found : Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees.]


This error could happen:

  1. If a customer or product was recently deleted in QuickBooks and is used in our sync mappings/settings,
  2. If your tax rates aren't yet correctly set up in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Tax, or MyWorks Sync > Map > Tax Rates.


  1. Visit MyWorks Sync > Dashboard and click Refresh Customers & Products.
  2. Visit MyWorks Sync > Settings > Taxes to set a non-taxable rate (if applicable), then MyWorks Sync > Map > Tax Rates to ensure your tax rates are correctly mapped to their corresponding QuickBooks tax rates.