Changing WooCommerce sites / domain names - Xero Sync

Tips to correctly reconnect MyWorks after changing your WooCommerce domain name.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Sometimes when using MyWorks Sync, you may need to move your site to a different host or copy a staging site you've been working on to the live instance. When doing so, all of your plugin-side settings & mappings will be saved, as long as your database is copied over with the site, and MyWorks is not deleted from your WordPress install during migration.

Once migrated to the new site/server, there are only a few steps you have to take to reconnect to Xero.

  1. Visit your MyWorks Account - and click into your Xero Sync plan in the My Plans menu.
  2. Click the Disconnect button to Disconnect from Xero. 
  3. Reconnect to Xero - entering your new/correct domain name first.
  4. Optional: If you did not reconnect to the same Xero company,  ensure you Refresh Customers & Products to pull in the correct data from your new Xero company into MyWorks. Visit MyWorks Sync > Dashboard and click Refresh Customers and Products to do so.