Connecting Shopify to a different QuickBooks Online company

How to easily change Shopify from one QuickBooks Online company to another using MyWorks Sync.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

In some cases you may need to change connecting your Shopify store with MyWorks to a different QuickBooks Online company. Here's the steps to do so.

  1. In your Shopify admin, visit the MyWorks Sync > Connection menu. 
  2. On that page, click Disconnect to disconnect from your QuickBooks company.
  3. Click the Connect button to sign into your desired QuickBooks account and connect to the new QuickBooks company.


If you've connected to a different QuickBooks company, you may need to review your settings and mappings to update them with data from your new QuickBooks Online company. To do so: 

  1. Visit MyWorks Sync > Settings, and review the settings you currently have set, then save.
  2. Visit MyWorks Sync >Map, and visit your product, variation and payment methods to ensure they're mapped as you desire; then save.