How are mappings handled on an ongoing basis?

The logic behind how mappings get handled on a continuous basis with MyWorks Sync

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Once you install our WooCommerce Sync for QuickBooks Online and begin configuration, you'll need to map EXISTING data together (customers, products, etc.) to complete the initial setup.

Once syncing is active, all new records created in WooCommerce will be synced to QuickBooks Online. In the case of Customers and Products, these records will also automatically be mapped, so there is no manual attention needed to managing your mappings on an ongoing basis.

Once an existing WooCommerce customer is mapped to the corresponding existing QuickBooks Online customer, any orders placed under them in WooCommerce will be synced to that QuickBooks Online customer.

On an ongoing basis, if you create a new WooCommerce customer (when placing an order or just separately), our plugin will sync it over to QuickBooks Online AND map it in our plugin mappings - automatically.

The only exception to this rule is a WooCommerce order you push over to QuickBooks Online placed in WooCommerce with a Guest User (aka someone that checked out in the cart but opted not to create an account). Because they don’t have an account in WooCommerce, there’s nothing for our plugin to map - so that order would still be synced over to QuickBooks Online (using the logic of checking to see if they exist in QuickBooks Online, then creating the customer if they do not exist) - but the client would not be mapped.