How the sync queue & logging works

How MyWorks Sync>Queue and MyWorks Sync>Log function

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

Since QuickBooks Desktop doesn't have a standard API to use for integrations, MyWorks Sync uses a combination of our proprietary WordPress plugin + the Intuit Web Connector. For more information on how MyWorks Sync works, read our article here.


MyWorks Sync uses a queue structure to sync data from WooCommerce to QuickBooks. This means that when an order, customer, product, or more is added or updated in WooCommerce, a syncing activity is added to our plugin queue. Our queue can be viewed at any time in MyWorks Sync > Queue.

Once a sync activity is added to the queue, this activity will be synced into QuickBooks the next time the QuickBooks Web Connector application is run. This can be done manually by clicking Update Selected, or you can set the QuickBooks Web Connector to “Auto-Run” every X minutes. A recommended value for this is every 10-60 minutes. Read more on the QuickBooks Web Connector here.

The default view of the Queue page is set to show the Pending queue activity waiting to be synced into QuickBooks. You can clear this activity by clicking the Clear queue button at the bottom, or by clicking the trash icon next to a specific activity. You can also view Previous (already synced) or All activity using the filter on the top.


When the QuickBooks Web Connector runs (either manually or during auto-run), it will first log a "successfully authenticated" entry in your Log, which is found in MyWorks Sync > Log. Then, it will capture the current pending Queue activity and sync it into QuickBooks.

The queue will then be emptied, however, you can view Previous queue activity by using the filter on the top of the Queue page – or by visiting MyWorks > Log to see the log of syncing activity that has taken place.

All sync successes and errors will be recorded on this Log page. The error description usually details a specific reason why the specific syncing activity errored out. Once the error has been resolved, you may visit the Push section of the plugin to push the related data into the queue for syncing again.