How Syncing Works - QuickBooks POS

A helpful overview of how MyWorks syncs between WooCommerce and QuickBooks POS - and how to configure what is automatically synced.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Our WooCommerce Sync for QuickBooks POS Integration has been crafted by our team with an "it just works" goal at the center of our development. We've taken years of industry experience with QuickBooks integration and combined that with everything we know about accounting and syncing best practices to accomplish something no other solution in this market has: automatic real-time syncing.

So, how does it work? Our sync works in two different methods - Automatic and Manual. But first, a quick note about triggers, and what happens as soon as you activate our sync.

Upon Sync Activation

Once our sync is activated and configured - nothing will be forced to sync. Unlike other solutions, our sync doesn't automatically push random data into QuickBooks POS - creating a confusing mess of duplicate and inaccurate data.

Once our sync is activated and configured - automatic real-time syncing will be activated. This means that any data created from that point on will be automatically real-time synced to QuickBooks POS. It's as easy as that! :)

How Syncing Works

Since QuickBooks POS doesn't have an API for us to use, we pair our proprietary WooCommerce sync with the Intuit QuickBooks Web Connector to accomplish near-real-time connectivity with QuickBooks POS. In order to do so, we structure syncing activity on a queue basis in our sync.

In short, this means syncing is a two-step process:

  1. Ensure your automatic sync settings are set correctly. New activities will be added automatically to our queue (either automatically, or manually in our push/pull pages).
  2. Once your settings are set / data is added to the queue, click Update Selected in the Web Connector - or set it to “AutoRun”. This is what actually processes/runs the sync to sync the data currently in the queue.

This means that when an order, customer or product is added or updated in WooCommerce, a syncing activity is added to our sync queue. Our queue can be viewed at any time in MyWorks Sync > Queue.

Once added to the queue, this activity will be synced into QuickBooks POS the next time the QuickBooks Web Connector application is run. This can be done manually by clicking Update Selected, or you can set the QuickBooks Web Connector to "AutoRun" every X minutes. A recommended value for this is every 10-60 minutes.

Once the QuickBooks Web Connector runs, it will capture the queue activity and sync it into QuickBooks POS. The queue will then be emptied, however you can view Previous queue activity by searching this on the top of the Queue page - or by visiting MyWorks > Log to see the log of syncing activity that has taken place.

Syncing - Automatic Real Time

You can control real-time sync in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Real Time Sync. Once real-time sync has been turned on here, our sync will automatically sync the below data types in real time to QuickBooks POS.


When a customer is created or updated in WooCommerce, it will be created or updated in QuickBooks POS. If it already exists in QuickBooks POS, it will not be duplicated if it's correctly mapped to the WooCommerce customer.


When an order is created in WooCommerce, it will be created in QuickBooks POS.


When a product is created or updated in WooCommerce, it will be created or updated in QuickBooks POS. If it already exists in QuickBooks POS, it will not be duplicated if it's correctly mapped to the WooCommerce product.


Depending on the settings in Settings > Automatic Sync, when an inventory level is updated in WooCommerce, its inventory will be updated in QuickBooks POS when the web connector runs. This also occurs for the direction of QuickBooks POS to WooCommerce: if inventory sync is turned on in our Automatic Sync Settings.

Syncing - Manually (push or pull)

Now that you have Automatic Real-Time Syncing setup, you're ready to rock and roll from here on out! Congrats! about all the customers, orders or even products that are in WooCommerce that haven't made it into QuickBooks POS?

That's where our Push pages come in. Using these pages (explained in detail in our documentation) - you can manually select and push any historical WooCommerce data into QuickBooks POS.

To access, simply visit MyWorks Sync > Push.

Need to sync products up to WooCommerce from QuickBooks POS? That's just as easy to do by visiting MyWorks Sync > Pull > Products - you'll be able to select and pull any products you'd like from QuickBooks up to WooCommerce.