Using the next Xero # when syncing orders

We have an advanced setting that supports syncing orders into Xero using the next Xero invoice/quote number.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

By default, MyWorks Sync will sync orders from WooCommerce into Xero using the WooCommerce order ID as the Invoice/Sales Receipt number in Xero. Alternatively, we can sync orders using a different number from the WooCommerce order, if you're using a plugin like Sequential Order Numbers Pro. See this doc on alternatives to syncing orders into Xero with different numbers/formats to avoid conflicts.

If it's necessary to sync orders into Xero without relying on any number from WooCommerce, we have an advanced setting that supports syncing orders into Xero using the next Xero invoice/quote number. This is especially helpful if other orders are being manually entered in Xero in addition to orders synced from WooCommerce to Xero.

This feature is available to all paid plan users - and requires the Custom Transaction Number setting (below) in Xero to be off.


  • John creates an invoice manually in Xero - after saving, the number is #1261.
  • Order #103 is placed in WooCommerce, and synced to Xero. The Xero invoice is #1262.
  • Sarah creates an invoice manually in Xero - after saving, the number is #1263.
  • Order #104 is placed in WooCommerce and synced to Xero. The Xero Invoice is #1264.

Setup steps

In your WooCommerce admin area, visit MyWorks Sync > Settings > Orders, and enable the Use Next Xero # setting.

Any orders synced to Xero from this point forward will follow the next Xero number as the order is created in Xero.

Common Questions

  • With this setting enabled, WooCommerce orders will not have the same numbers as Xero invoices/quotes.
  • Our "sync status" badges will still correctly function with this setting enabled - as the Xero ID of the invoice/ is stored in the WooCommerce order meta for us to use when checking sync status.
  • The "sync status" for past orders synced before this setting was enabled may change to show as not synced in WooCommerce - even though the order itself is in Xero. This is normal and can be ignored.