How to configure Mapping - QuickBooks Desktop Sync

Explore how to map your customers, products, payment methods, tax rates and more in MyWorks Sync for QuickBooks Desktop

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The mapping section of MyWorks Sync allows you to 'match' data that exists in both WooCommerce and QuickBooks Desktop. Your mappings must be set after you install the helper plugin and connect to QuickBooks Desktop, and before you can begin syncing. Your mappings can be changed at any time.

"What do I need to Map?"

You only need to map data (customers, products, etc) that exists in both WooCommerce and QuickBooks. If data exists just in WooCommerce, and not in QuickBooks, you can either leave it unmapped, or push it to QuickBooks in MyWorks Sync > Push (which will also then automatically map it for you).

Before You Map

Ensure you have refreshed your data in our Refresh Data tab to pull in your latest customers, products, accounts and more from QuickBooks Desktop. Read more about this here.

If you have made any changes in QuickBooks Desktop (added a product, modified an account, etc) - make sure you Refresh Data to reflect this new data in the Settings and Mapping pages.

Customer Mapping

Want to sync all WooCommerce orders into one single QuickBooks Desktop customer? You won't need to map your customers then. Visit our Settings page to correctly set the QuickBooks customer to sync all orders to.

This page allows you to map existing WooCommerce customers to existing QuickBooks Desktop customers. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and refresh your data initially.

It's not a requirement to map your existing customers! Since MyWorks always checks QuickBooks before syncing each order to see if a customer exists already in QuickBooks, it's only necessary to map customers if they are in both WooCommerce and QuickBooks, AND do not have a matching email address or name between them. If a customer is already in WooCommerce and QuickBooks and has a matching email or name, they can be left unmapped, as we'd automatically find that existing customer in QuickBooks as we sync their next order.

Only existing customers will need to be mapped after you activate the plugin. When new customers are created in WooCommerce from this point forward, they will be automatically synced to QuickBooks Desktop AND mapped in this page.

Choose the Filter option to search for a specific customer, and use the dropdown on the top right to display 20 or more entries per page.

The table on the page shows WooCommerce customers on the left and QuickBooks Desktop customers in a dropdown on the right. If a dropdown on the right is blank, it means a customer is not mapped. If a customer is not mapped, the next time an order is placed under that customer, MyWorks Sync will attempt to create the customer in QuickBooks Desktop, then sync the order over. If the customer already exists in QuickBooks Desktop but is not mapped on this page, an error will result.

To map your customers, simply choose a QuickBooks Desktop customer in the dropdown in the right column and select it. You can also search for a customer in the dropdown field. Then scroll to the bottom and click save.


For companies with a lot of customers - individually mapping customers is not a viable solution. This is where our AutoMap solution will assist with this process. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the button to Automap Customers By Email. This will automatically match WooCommerce customers to QuickBooks Desktop customers based on their email address.

Automapping customers will clear any current customer mappings you have in place. Be sure before you AutoMap customers, unless this is your first time and all customers are not mapped.

Product Mapping

This page allows you to map existing WooCommerce products to existing QuickBooks Desktop products. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and refresh your data initially.

Only existing products will need to be mapped after you activate the plugin. When new products are created in WooCommerce from this point forward, they will be automatically synced to QuickBooks Desktop AND mapped in this page.

Choose the Filter option to search for a specific product, and use the dropdown on the top right to display 20 or more entries per page.

The table on the page shows WooCommerce products on the left and QuickBooks Desktop products in a dropdown on the right. If a dropdown on the right is blank, it means a product is not mapped. If a product is not mapped, when an order is placed or pushed that contains that product, the line item will default to the Default QuickBooks Product set in Settings.

The column on the far right for QuickBooks Class represents class support. If this dropdown is blank, you don't have class support enabled in QuickBooks Desktop and can safely ignore.

To map your products, simply choose a QuickBooks product in the dropdown in the right column and select it. You can also search for a product in the dropdown field. Then scroll to the bottom and click save.


For companies with a lot of products - individually mapping products is not a viable solution. This is where our AutoMap tool will assist with this process. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the button to Automap Products By SKU. This will automatically match WooCommerce products to QuickBooks Desktop products based on their SKU.

Automapping products will clear any current product mappings you have in place. Be sure before you AutoMap products, unless this is your first time and all products are not mapped.

Payment Gateway Mapping

This page allows you to map & configure WooCommerce payment gateways for when orders are synced to QuickBooks Desktop. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and refresh your data.

This page is organized by Payment Gateway and Currency. Each payment gateway represents a row on the page, and for each currency you have enabled, a column will show with individual settings to configure the payment gateway for a specific currency. If you only have one currency enabled, only one column will be present.

Each gateway has a number of options to choose from, and these options are detailed below.

Enable Payment Syncing

This is the master setting to enable payment syncing for this gateway. If this option is off, payments made through this gateway will not be synced to QuickBooks Desktop.

QuickBooks Payment Method

Choose the payment method in QuickBooks Desktop that this gateway corresponds to. This is purely aesthetic, and you can add or modify payment methods in QuickBooks Desktop Lists.

QuickBooks Desktop Bank Account

This is the bank account in QuickBooks Desktop that the payments made through this gateway will be deposited into when the payment is synced.

Terms Mapping

If you wish to specify a specific Term to an invoice or sales receipt that's synced over to QuickBooks Desktop through this payment gateway, this would be set here. Otherwise, default is to leave blank.

Only Sync Payment when Order is Marked As…

This setting applies to COD type payment gateways only - where the payment is not actually made on checkout - like wire transfer or mail in check. When you mark the order as this status in WooCommerce, that will trigger the payment to sync into QuickBooks. For most gateways, you may leave this blank.

Don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the page and Save!

Tax Mapping

This page allows you to map WooCommerce tax rules to existing QuickBooks Desktop tax rules. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and Refresh Data.

The table on the page shows WooCommerce tax rules on the left and QuickBooks Desktop tax rules in a dropdown on the right. If a dropdown on the right is blank, it means a tax rule is not mapped. If a tax rule is not mapped, and an order is placed that includes that tax rule, an error will most likely occur.

Each row represents one tax rule. There is an extra row under each tax rule with a + sign. This represents support for Dual Tax Rates. In this row, you would choose a dual rate that exists in your WooCommerce store, and map this to the QuickBooks Desktop dual tax rate that corresponds to this.

To map your tax rules, simply choose a QuickBooks Desktop tax rule in the dropdown in the right column and select it. Then scroll to the bottom and click save.

Coupon Code Mapping

This page allows you to map existing WooCommerce coupon codes to existing QuickBooks Desktop products - that would act as a discount in an Invoice or Sales Receipt line item. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and Refresh Data.

Choose the Filter option to search for a specific coupon code, and use the dropdown on the top right to display 20 or more entries per page.

The table on the page shows WooCommerce Coupon Codes on the left and QuickBooks Desktop Products in a dropdown on the right. If a dropdown on the right is blank, it means a coupon code is not mapped. If a coupon code is not mapped, the next time an order is placed that includes that coupon code, it will be synced using the default fallback Coupon Code product you chose in settings.

The column on the far right for QuickBooks Class represents class support. If this dropdown is blank, you don't have class support enabled in QuickBooks Desktop and can safely ignore.

To map your coupon codes, simply choose a QuickBooks Desktop product in the dropdown in the right column and select it. You can also search for a product in the dropdown field. Then scroll to the bottom and click save.

Shipping Method Mapping

This page allows you to map existing WooCommerce shipping methods to existing QuickBooks Desktop products - that would represent this shipping charge in an Invoice or Sales Receipt line item. This should be done right after you activate the plugin and Refresh Data.

Choose the Filter option to search for a specific shipping method, and use the dropdown on the top right to display 20 or more entries per page.

The table on the page shows WooCommerce Shipping Methods on the left and QuickBooks Desktop Products in a dropdown on the right. If a dropdown on the right is blank, it means a Shipping Method is not mapped. If a Shipping Method is not mapped, the next time an order is placed that includes that Shipping Method, it will be synced using the default fallback Shipping Product you chose in settings.

The column on the far right for QuickBooks Class represents class support. If this dropdown is blank, you don't have class support enabled in QuickBooks Desktop and can safely ignore.

To map your Shipping Methods, simply choose a QuickBooks Desktop product in the dropdown in the right column and select it. You can also search for a product in the dropdown field. Then scroll to the bottom and click save.