Error:5040: [System underload error., The database is overloaded. Please retry after 90 seconds.]

Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve this 5040 error when trying to sync an order to QuickBooks.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

Are you seeing this error in the MyWorks Sync log when trying to sync an order to QuickBooks?


Error:5040: [System underload error., The database is overloaded. Please retry after 90 seconds.]


This error usually indicates that:

  1. Your tax settings in MyWorks Sync  > Settings > Tax are not correctly set, or,
  2. Your tax rates are not correctly or only partially mapped in MyWorks Sync > Map > Tax Rate


  • You have a valid QuickBooks Non-Taxable rate set in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Taxes. This is usually Out of Scope or No VAT - but it can vary based on your QuickBooks company. If this is set to Exempt, try changing to a different 0% rate.
  • Check that all the dropdowns in MyWorks Sync > Map > Tax Rates are set, each tax rate in WooCommerce should be mapped to a corresponding tax rate in QuickBooks. If you have a 0% rate displaying here, it needs to be mapped to a 0% rate as well.
  • Check out our documentation on mapping taxes here
  • Still having difficulty? Our support team would be happy to give you a hand, feel free to open a ticket, and support will make sure this error is resolved, and order sync is restored.