How does MyWorks Sync work with Xero?

Learn the basics behind how MyWorks syncs with Xero and how to get started.

Written by the MyWorks Team

Updated at June 29th, 2023

Our WooCommerce Sync for Xero has been crafted by our team with an "it just works" goal at the center of our development. We've combined years of industry experience with WooCommerce development, accounting software integration and accounting best practices to accomplish something no other solution in this market has - a 360° syncing solution focused on accounting accuracy and time-saving efficiency.

So, how does it work? MyWorks Sync is an "event-driven" sync, which means that we constantly watch for new or updated orders, products, inventory levels, and more - and sync them in real-time when the changes occur - so there's no need for any "scheduled" sync, which can be inaccurate in the periods between the sync.

When MyWorks Sync is activated

Once MyWorks Sync is activated and setup is complete - no existing data will be immediately forced to sync. Unlike other solutions, MyWorks Sync does not automatically push random data into Xero or pull random data into WooCommerce when you activate it, creating a confusing mess of duplicate and inaccurate data.

Once MyWorks Sync is activated, and you have completed setup - only any new data moving forward (like customers, orders, payments, etc.) will be automatically synced - based on the settings you have enabled in Settings > Automatic Sync. It's as easy as that! :)

Automatic Syncing

Once MyWorks Sync is activated, and setup is completed, as mentioned above, automatic "event-driven" syncing will take effect for any new data from that point forward. This happens automatically in the background, as frequently as every 5 minutes.

You can configure what new data will automatically sync, and how often in MyWorks Sync > Settings > Automatic Sync.

Manual Syncing

In addition to how MyWorks automatically syncs new data above; it's also quite easy to manually push or pull existing data. This can be helpful if you need to sync past orders to get up to date, or sync products from one system to be created in the other.


Using the Push section in MyWorks Sync > Push, you can manually select and push any/all historical data in WooCommerce to Xero. This includes customers, orders, payments, products/variations & inventory. If an instance of this data already exists in Xero and is mapped correctly in MyWorks Sync > Map, it will be updated in Xero, and never duplicated.


Using the Pull section in MyWorks Sync > Pull, you can manually select and pull products from Xero into WooCommerce. Currently, it's not recommended/common use to pull customers or orders from Xero to WooCommerce, as this isn't a common use case and has technical shortcomings.

What can be synced?


When a customer is created or updated in WooCommerce, it will be automatically created or updated in Xero. If it already exists in Xero, it will not be duplicated, as we use enhanced data-matching methods to ensure duplication does not occur. When an order is synced to Xero, if the customer doesn't exist, we'll automatically create it.


When a product/variation is created or updated in WooCommerce, it will be automatically created or updated in Xero. If it already exists in Xero, it will not be duplicated, as we use enhanced data-matching methods to ensure duplication does not occur. When an order is synced to Xero, we do not automatically sync a product in the order if it doesn't exist in Xero, so all necessary products should be mapped first.


When a product's inventory is updated for any reason in Xero, its inventory will be automatically updated in WooCommerce. This also automatically occurs when orders are synced from WooCommerce > Xero: inventory for the items in these orders would be affected in Xero as soon as the invoice is created in Xero.

Orders / Payments

When an order is created or updated in WooCommerce, it will be automatically created in Xero / its corresponding invoice or quote will be updated in Xero If an invoice or quote for this order already exists in Xero, it will not be duplicated, as we use enhanced data-matching methods to ensure duplication does not occur.

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